
Sometimes when I pray, my pen hits the paper and I can’t make it stop. For a long time I thought that writing these devotions was for my own edification – my own lessons from a journey behind me, or for one I had yet to take.

The few times that I stepped out and shared what I had written, I was encouraged to find that other lives had been blessed by it. I began to think that perhaps it wasn’t just for me after all, and that maybe there were more lives that could be touched by reading what my heart had spilled out across the pages.

My inspiration for writing came about last year, around the time of my Grandfather’s passing. I was up late writing my tribute speech and reflecting on the legacy he had left behind. When I had to cram three decades of memories into ten minutes, only the truly important ones made the cut. “The cream rises to the top” as he’d say.

My most treasured memory of all was breakfast. As a little girl, I lived next door to Grandpa’s house on the farm, and I’d eat breakfast with him most mornings. After breakfast he’d reach for his Bible in the middle of the table, He’d read an article from The Daily Bread Devotional, the corresponding scripture and then he’d pray before we ran off to catch the school bus.

It wasn’t until I had to articulate the depth of this memory that I fully understood its significance. He had taught me that the most important conversation I have every morning is the one I have with my Heavenly Father. He didn’t leave behind something that could be washed away in a storm; he left behind a legacy of Faith.  One that has trickled down through the generations, and will live on. Now it’s my turn to do something that matters, and leaves behind something that can’t be washed away.

I want my life to leave footprints that say “I was here”…
I want to live out loud…
I want to walk by faith…

I still eat my breakfast the same way Grandpa did – with brown sugar and almonds, and a chat with God.


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