Swept Under The Rug

Scripture:  Joshua 7:1-13

Lesson:   No harm, no foul?

Joshua had been leading the children of Israel through many trials and triumphs en route to the Promise Land. God had been faithful to destroy the obstacles in their way as they obeyed Him. He had dried up the Jordan River beneath their feet (much like He had parted the Red Sea for Moses), and had delivered Jericho into their hands. But soon after these victories, some of Joshua’s men were unfaithful.

God’s anger burned! Can you even imagine the depth of a burning anger?

Joshua seems to be in the dark regarding the unfaithfulness of his people. He sends a small crew of his men to take over a small section of the land where very few dwelt. However, a seemingly simple victory ends quickly in defeat. They lost all courage and the fear trickled down to the rest of the people.

Joshua throws himself before the Lord saying “Why are we even here if these people are going to cower and return to their old ways? Why bother drying up the Jordan River, only to be destroyed by the Amorites – to be wiped out and mocked for our lack of accomplishment?”

In a nutshell: why are there victories followed by defeat – opportunities followed by a slamming door?

Here’s the clarity: some of Joshua’s men had stolen sacred treasures from the rubble of Jericho and lied in secret. After all, why should something valuable go to waste and what would it really hurt if no one knew? So it was quietly swept under the rug as if it had never happened. But God saw, and therefore said, “I can’t help you until the sin is dealt with; you cannot stand against your enemies until you clean out what’s hiding under the rug.”

Application:   It’s the little sins that do us in.

How often do we hide sin in our hearts, little white lies or moments of indiscretion that we somehow justify and sweep under the rug? Then we wonder where our blessing is? We do it more often then we realize or care to admit, blind to our own sin.

But it’s those little things that we sweep under the rug that cause us to be defeated in battle.

Maybe you’re waiting for your breakthrough – waiting for God to move that mountain in your life that you’ve been speaking His word over.

Or maybe, just maybe – He’s waiting on you!

What if it’s you standing in your own way? What little day to day sins have you hidden in the cellar of your heart? Perhaps some seemingly small acts of disobedience that have been justified, swept under the rug, and blended into an otherwise honest life.

God holds so many blessings in His hand, waiting to pour them out among the faithful and pure in heart. But the celebration of triumphs won’t last if we are unfaithful during the trials.

God is present, watching, and holding us accountable.

Maybe it’s time to clean out what’s been hiding under your rug…


Lord I repent for the sins that I have swept under the rug and hidden in my heart. Help me to endure the trials faithfully so that I can enjoy the triumphs victoriously. Remind me of your word that I have hidden in my heart, so that I may not sin against you.

~ Vanessa ~

© Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.