Baa Baa Black Sheep

Scripture: Luke 15: 1-7

Lesson: The Angels put out an A.P.B.

Initially, Jesus is being criticised by a group of self-righteous hypocrites for hanging out with filthy crooks and sinners. I mean, shouldn’t He be spending His time giving high fives to those who lived perfectly according to the law and coloured carefully inside the lines?

Not according to Jesus. He came to seek and save the lost. He chose to keep company with those who need Him.

Jesus metaphorically describes himself as the shepherd and us as His sheep.
He warns these critics about speaking against His lost sheep for, “their angels see the face of our Heavenly Father.”

What?? We have Angels??

According to Psalm 91:11, “He gives His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” Not only do we entertain angels, unaware (Hebrews 13:2), but we host a member of heaven itself.

Invisible, yet watching. Present, yet silent.

It’s not only assigned to be on the lookout, but to give a report to heaven on the location of our salvation. We choose the melody it sings with the status of our soul – either a song of rejoicing or one of regret.

The temptation to graze upon another pasture will always exist; to see for ourselves if the grass is really greener on the other side. We were always meant to be the sheep of His pasture, but have been given the freedom to choose whom or what we will serve.

Jesus Christ is a perfect gentleman, never forcing us to stay on His side of the fence. Our Saviour paints a picture of a love so overwhelming and divine, that He will leave the 99 in the flock to venture out into the wilderness in search of the one soul that’s gone astray.

And oh, to be that Angel: filling out the missing person’s report, alerting all of heaven of the one precious lamb that’s lost its way.

Application: He saved you a seat

Perhaps you too have been condemned by self-righteous hypocrites, because you didn’t stay perfectly inside the lines. Maybe your heart once knew God, and something or someone pushed you away. Your shame and condemnation took you to a place where you felt judgement didn’t exist. Sadly, in many cases, that place isn’t the church.

The truth is, you cannot hold God accountable for the sins of man, nor deny His love for you because of someone else’s failure. All along, your resentment has been misdirected, and your Saviour, misunderstood. Jesus didn’t hurt you – Jesus is looking for you. He left the 99 to go in search of just one. You.

He didn’t come for the perfect and blameless. He came for the lost and the broken. He came for filthy sinners, undeserving of grace – crooked wanderers like you and me.

“He who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that we may be reconciled to God,”
(2 Corinthians 5:21). He was bruised and broken on a cross so that we could live without shame – poured out on Calvary, so that you and I always had a place to call home.

He’s already paid the amount owing on your sin. He reserved a seat at His table for you. He’s been waiting for you. All you have to do is turn around and acknowledge Him.

His arms are open to embrace you. A choir of angels is on standby, waiting to rejoice over your return.

Let your Angel sing over the sheep that found its way – choose to live in His grace today.

Prayer: Lord, I humbly come before you today and acknowledge that I am a sinner, undeserving of grace. I’ve lost my way and am in need of you. I pray that in your infinite mercy, you would forgive me for choosing my own way. Thank you for paying the price for my sins. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness so that I may be reconciled to God. Amen


© Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Table Scraps

Scripture:  Matthew 15:21-28

Lesson:      Chasing Miracles & Bridging Gaps

A mother is desperately chasing after Jesus, believing He can heal her possessed and tormented daughter. This woman who was in pursuit of Him, was not only a Gentile but a Canaanite. She was considered “unclean” and an Old Testament enemy of the Jewish people.

 “Have mercy on me Oh Lord”, she cries.

Jesus ignores her and continues on His way.

Perhaps His silence is a test of her faith – the teacher is often silent during the test.

She ignores His silence and turns her pleadings to His disciples. “Lord send her away”, they complain.  Jesus then ignores His disciples and turns to the persistent mother. He informs her that He too is on a mission, seeking the lost children of Israel. Those who had fallen by wayside on that wearisome journey to the Promise Land. Detouring from this mission to give to her, would be taking away from them.

She continues to pursue Him with passion saying, “Yes Lord that’s true, but even dogs eat the scraps from their masters’ table.” Jesus now recognizes that her faith is great and heals her daughter.

When Jesus said “Your faith is great”, two things occurred – He bridged the gap between Jew and Gentile to extend His mercy to all who call upon Him; and He fulfilled the promise in Proverbs 8:17, that “those who diligently seek Him will find Him”.

Application:       Are You Pursuing His Presence or His Presents?

This woman not only displayed great faith, but great perseverance. She knew if she could get Jesus’ attention, He could heal her child. Even in His silence, she desperately pursued Him.

When He ignored her pleadings, she ignored His silence.

She chose to persevere in faith. She was willing to take even the scraps from the Master’s table. She didn’t want all of His time; just enough of it to be touched by Him.

So my question to you is this; what are you pursuing the Master for – and if He’s silent, do you give up and turn away or continue to chase hard after Him?

Do you believe that even the scraps from the Master’s table are worth waiting on…

Are you persistent enough in your pursuit of Him to get His attention; and does He have yours – even when He is silent…

We must believe that even though we were separated by our sin, that in His sufficient grace, He hears the earnest prayers of a passionate heart.

Be persistent enough in your pursuit of Him to get His attention. For even the scraps from the Masters’ table can heal your life.

Seek His Presence – not just His Presents.

His gifts are a natural side effect of His grace.



 © Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Vanessa Donnan and Walk by Faith with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.